Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Coccidiosis, Upper Intestinal, E acervulina


This is probably the commonest cause of coccidiosis in chickens and occurs worldwide. It is seen in layers and in broilers, both alone and in association with other species of coccidia and is caused by Eimeria acervulina, which is moderately pathogenic. Morbidity is variable and mortality low or absent. Eimeria mivati is currently considered not to be a valid species distinct from E. acervulina.


  • Depression.
  • Ruffled feathers.
  • Closed eyes.
  • Inappetance.
  • Poor production.
  • Diarrhoea.
  • Depigmentation.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Thickening, and other lesions, restricted to upper third of small intestine - the duodenum and part of the ileum.
  • Petechiae.
  • White spots or bands in the mucosa. In severe infections they become confluent and cause sloughing of the mucosa.
  • Poor absorption of nutrients/pigments.
  • A system of assessing the severity of coccidial challenge by attributing a 'score' is often used. A detailed description is beyond the scope of this book. In general terms a score of 0 indicates no lesions and a score of 4 indicates maximal severity of lesion or death. Various publications provide a photographic key to severity of lesion.


Signs, lesions, microscopic exam of scrapings. Differentiate from necrotic and non-specific enteritis.


Toltrazuril, Sulphonamides, Amprolium, in feed or water.


Coccidiostats in feed, vaccination by controlled exposure, hygiene. Immunity is quite short lived (about 30 days) in the absence of continued challenge.
Figure 12. Moderate Eimeria acervulina infection (score 2) in chicken duodenum. In milder infections there may be scattered white spots, in severe the entire surface is pale or denuded of epithelium.

Coccidiosis, Mid-intestinal, E necatrix


A highly pathogenic form of coccidiosis, caused by Eimeria necatrix, in which the parasite is present in the small intestine and in the caecum. It occurs in chickens worldwide and has variable morbidity but mortality is high in severely affected birds.


  • Reduced feed consumption.
  • Depression.
  • Ruffled feathers.
  • Closed eyes.
  • Inappetance.
  • Poor production.
  • Diarrhoea, blood in faeces.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Petechiae and thickening, of middle to posterior third or more of small intestine.
  • 'Sausage-like' intestine.
  • Severe necrotising enteritis.
  • Schizonts seen as white spots through the serosa interspersed with petechiae. Deep scrapings necessary to show large schizonts. Oocyts in caecal scrapings.


Signs, lesions, microscopic examination of scrapings Differentiate from necrotic enteritis, other types of coccidiosis.


Toltrazuril, Sulphonamides, Amprolium, Vitamins A and K in feed or water.


Coccidiostats in feed, vaccination, hygiene. This is one of the less immunogenic species, commercial vaccines commonly contain more than one strain of E. maxima.
Figure 14. Moderate Eimeria necatrix infection in the jejunum of a chicken (Score 3). In this case the intestine is thickened and can become ballooned and sausage-like. Haemorrhages and white spots are visible from the outside of the intestine.

Coccidiosis, Mid-intestinal, E maxima


One of the more common forms of coccidiosis in commercial broilers. Because of the area of intestine affected it tends to have a significant effect on productivity and susceptibility to necrotic enteritis. Caused by Eimeria maxima, of moderate to high pathogenicity it is seen worldwide. Morbidity and mortality are variable.


  • Depression.
  • Ruffled feathers.
  • Closed eyes.
  • Inappetance.
  • Poor production.
  • Blood or pigment in the faeces.
  • Depigmentation of skin and plasma is especially evident in this form of cocccidiosis and this is commercially important in some markets.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Petechiae and thickening of middle third of intestine.
  • Poor absorption of nutrients/pigments.
  • Mild to severe enteritis, contents often orange in colour, mucosa tends to be pinker than normal.
  • This infection is often associated with E. acervulina coccidiosis and there may be large numbers of characteristic oocysts in smears.


Signs, lesions, microscopic examination of scrapings. Differentiate from necrotic enteritis, non-specific enteritis.


Sulphonamides, Amprolium, Vitamins A and K in feed or water.


Coccidiostats in feed, vaccination, hygiene. This is one of the less immunogenic species, commercial vaccines commonly contain more than one strain of E. maxima.
Figure 13. Moderate Eimeria maxima infection in the jejunum of a chicken (Score 2). The lesions are subtle compared to other forms of coccidiosis. The intestine is slightly thickened and there are scattered haemorrhages in the mucosa when seen from the inside.

Coccidiosis, Kidney


A disease of geese caused by Eimeria truncata that can cause high mortality in geese of 3-12 weeks of age, it can also infect Barbary ducks and swans.


  • Depression.
  • Weakness.
  • Diarrhoea - faeces tend to be whitish.
  • Reduced feed intake.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Enlarged kidneys.
  • Kidneys light grey to greyish pink.
  • Tiny white foci and petechiae in the kidneys.


Lesions, presence of coccidial stages in fresh scrapings of kidney lesions.


Controlled trials of treatments have not been published.


Good Hygiene.

Coccidiosis, Intestinal, of Ducks and Geese


Young ducks and geese may suffer from Eimeria spp infection. In the goose E. anseris is the most important, while in ducks Tyzzeria perniciosa is most pathogenic. Tyzerria has eight sporocysts in each oocyst, compared to four per oocyst for Eimeria. Coccidiosis occurs only very rarely in commercially reared ducks in the UK.


  • Sudden death.
  • Depression.
  • Blood-stained vent.
  • Tucked appearance.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Massive haemorrhage in upper small intestine.


Signs, lesions, microscopic examination of scrapings (usually few or no oocysts, large number of merozoites). Differentiate from Duck viral hepatitis, Duck viral enteritis, anatipestifer.


Sulphonamides (e.g. Sulphadimidine 30-600gm/100 birds/day, 3 days on, 2 days off, 3 days on), Amprolium, Vitamins A and K in feed or water.


If required coccidiostats could be used in feed, however this is not routinely practised. Hygiene.

Coccidiosis, Ileorectal, E brunetti


A relatively rare form of coccidiosis affecting chickens worldwide caused by Eimeria brunetti. Of moderate to high pathogenicity, it is found in the terminal ileum, caecum and rectum. Morbidity and mortality are variable.


  • Depression.
  • Ruffled feathers.
  • Closed eyes.
  • Inappetance.
  • Poor production.
  • Diarrhoea, blood in faeces.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Petechiae and thickening of the distal third or more of intestine, extending into caecal tonsils.
  • Severe necrotising enteritis.
  • Oocysts in caecum and rectum.


Signs, lesions, microscopic examination of scrapings. Differentiate from ulcerative enteritis, caecal coccidiosis.


Toltrazuril, Sulphonamides, Amprolium, Vitamins A and K in feed or water.


Coccidiostats in feed, vaccination by controlled exposure, hygiene. This species is not usually included in vaccines for broilers. There is good immunity to the same parasite in recovered birds.
Figure 16. Moderate Eimeria brunetti infection in the terminal ileum and rectum of a chicken. There is thickening of the intestinal mucosa and there are lines of haemorrhagic spots in the mucosa.

Coccidiosis, E praecox


Infection of chickens with the protozoan parasite Eimeria praecox is spread in exactly the same as that with E. mitis but is practically non-pathogenic.


  • Normally asymptomatic but may cause reduced feed efficiency and reduced weight gain, and predispose to other intestinal conditions.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Minimal, but usually excess liquid and mucus in the duodenal loop.
  • Severe infection can cause dehydration through excessive fluid loss.
  • The cells of the sides of the villi (not tips) are usually parasitised.


Identification of characteristic slightly ovoid oocysts in the duodenum in the absence of E. acervulina lesions. It has a very short pre-patent period (c. 80 hours).


Not usually treated but susceptible to the products used for other forms of intestinal coccidiosis.


Normally controlled by anticoccidials in feed. Not usually included in vaccines.

Coccidiosis, E mitis


This condition of chickens, seen worldwide, is caused by the protozoan parasite Eimeria mitis, which colonises the small intestine.

The infective agent is found in litter, faeces and on fomites and birds are infected by the oral route with an incubation period of 2-5 days. The disease occurring is proportional to the amount of infective agent ingested.

The parasite is moderately resistant in the environment and highly resistant to conventional disinfectants.

Predisposing factors include exposure to faeces and litter conditions that favour development of the parasite (temperature, humidity).


  • Reduced feed conversion efficiency and weight gain. May predispose to wet litter, secondary bacterial enteritis.

Post-mortem lesions

  • The lesions are minimal and located in the lower small intestine (ileum) which tends to be pale and flaccid with scattered petechiae.


Mild lesions, identification of typical small round oocysts and other stages in fresh scrapings from the small intestine.


Not usually treated but susceptible to the products used for other forms of intestinal coccidiosis.


Normally controlled by anticoccidials in feed. May be included in vaccines.

Coccidiosis, Caecal, E tenella


This was at one time the commonest type of coccidiosis and is certainly the most easily diagnosed. It is caused by Eimeria tenella and results in lesions in the caecum of chickens worldwide. Morbidity is 10-40% and mortality up to 50%. Transmission as for E. mitis (see above).


  • Depression.
  • Ruffled feathers.
  • Closed eyes.
  • Inappetance.
  • Diarrhoea, blood in faeces.
  • Production less affected than in some of the other forms of coccidiosis.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Petechiae.
  • Thickening, ecchymoses, of caecal mucosa.
  • Accumulation of varying quantities of blood and caseous necrotic material in the caecum.


Signs, lesions, microscopic examination of scrapings. Differentiate from ulcerative enteritis, histomonosis.


Toltrazuril, Sulphonamides, Amprolium, Vitamins A and K in feed or water.


Coccidiostats in feed, vaccination by controlled exposure, hygiene. E. tenella is more common when 'straight' ionophore programmes are used. Shuttle programmes with chemicals in the starter diet usually improve control. In some markets the organic arsenical compound 3-Nitro is used as an aid in the control of caecal coccidiosis. Vaccines are used mainly in breeders but increasingly in broilers. Recovered birds have good immunity to the same parasite.
Figure 15. Moderate Eimeria tenella infection in the caecae of a chicken (Score 3). The caecal walls are thickened and haemorrhagic and there is a mass of blood in the caecal lumen.

Coccidia of Turkeys


Infection of turkeys with Eimeria spp. This disease is not very common in commercially reared turkeys though most turkey growers receive preventative medication for at least part of their lives. Five species of Eimeria have been identified that cause lesions in turkeys, of which two are associated with significant disease effects. E. meleagrimitis affects the upper small intestine, while E. adenoides affects the caecae and rectum. E. gallopavonis and E. meleagridis affect the lower small intestine rectum and caecae, while E. dispersa is found in the small intestine.


  • Huddling.
  • Weight loss.
  • Depression.
  • Watery diarrhoea that may occasionally be blood stained or contain clumps of mucus or shed mucosa.
  • Tucked appearance, ruffled feathers.

Post-mortem lesions

  • The affected area of intestine shows thickening of the wall and dilation. The contents may be haemorrhagic or be watery with white material shed from the mucosa.


Signs, lesions, microscopic exam of scrapings (oocysts, gamonts). Differentiate from necrotic enteritis.


Toltrazuril, Sulphonamides (e.g. Sulphaquinoxaline), Amprolium.


The ionophore coccidiostats lasalocid and monensin are routinely used in turkey growers, typically to 12 weeks of age. Diclazuril is also used for this purpose. Dosage levels of ionophores may be critical to efficacy and safety. Exposure of previously unmedicated birds to these compounds can cause toxicity. Salinomycin is toxic for turkeys even at very low doses. Avoid use of tiamulin in ionophore treated birds.
Figure 37. Turkey coccidiosis of the upper small intestine caused by E. meleagrimitis. The intestines are dilated, show some spotty congestion and have abnormal contents due to the sloughed epithelium.

Figure 38. Turkey caecal coccidiosis caused by E. adenoides. The exudate can range from semi-liquid to solid white cores.

Slipped Tendon or Perosis


Caused by deficiency of manganese, choline, zinc, either singly or in combination (although deficiencies of pyridoxine, biotin, folic acid, niacin may also be involved).

This condition is seen in chickens, ducks and turkeys. In turkeys it may be an inherited deficiency of galactosamine.


  • Short legs.
  • Lameness.
  • Distortion of hock.
  • Slipping of Achilles tendon (or perosis).
  • Malposition of leg distal to hock.
  • In embryos parrot beak, shortened bones.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Shortening and thickening of long bones.
  • Tibia and metatarsus bowed.
  • Shallow trochlea.
  • Lateral slipping of tendon.


Lesions, analysis of feed.

Differentiate from twisted leg, infectious synovitis, rickets, infectious arthritis, ruptured ligaments.


For flock proceed as for prevention, no value to affected bird.


Addition of manganese, choline, vitamins, correct mineral balance.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Chlamydiosis, Psittacosisof poultry


An infection of turkeys, ducks, psittacines, pigeons, man, rarely chickens, caused by Chlamydia psittaci, a bacterium of highly variable pathogenicity. It is a 'Scheduled Disease' rarely diagnosed in UK, but occurring probably worldwide. Morbidity is 50-80%, mortality 5-40%.

It is transmitted by contact, faecal dust and wild bird carriers, especially pigeons and robins. Egg transmission does not occur.

Elementary bodies are highly resistant and can survive in dried faeces for many months.

Iodophores and formaldehyde are effective disinfecting agents, phenolics are less so. Intercurrent salmonellosis and, perhaps, other infections may be predisposing factors.


  • Respiratory signs.
  • Greenish-yellow diarrhoea.
  • Depression.
  • Weakness.
  • Inappetance.
  • Weight loss.
  • Nasal discharge.
  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Occasional transient ataxia in pigeons.
  • Production drops in naive laying flocks

Post-mortem lesions

  • Vascular congestion.
  • Wasting.
  • Fibrinous pericarditis.
  • Airsacculitis.
  • Perihepatitis.
  • Spleen enlarged and congested, may rupture in pigeons.
  • Necrotic foci in liver.
  • Fibrinous pneumonia.
  • Congested lungs and air sacs in the turkey.


History, signs, lesions. Intracytoplasmic inclusions are helpful but confirmation requires demonstration of causal organisms (Giemsa stain, IFA).

Serology: complement fixation, Elisa and gel diffusion.

Differentiate from Duck viral hepatitis, Duck septicaemia.


Tetracycline (200-800 ppm in feed for 3-4 weeks) and/or quinolone medication and supervised slaughter.


Biosecurity, exclusion of wild birds.

Live and inactivated vaccines are protective although the former result in carriers and the latter require several applications.

Chicken Anaemia


A viral disease of chickens caused by Chicken Anaemia Virus or CAV. Prior to confirmation that it is in fact a virus it was known as Chicken Anaemia Agent or CAA.

Mortality is typically 5-10% but may be up to 60% if there are predisposing factors present such as intercurrent disease (Aspergillosis, Gumboro, Inclusion body heptatitis etc.) or poor management (e.g. poor litter quality).

Transmission is usually vertical during sero-conversion of a flock in lay, lateral transmission may result in poor productivity in broilers.

The virus is resistant to pH 2, ether, chloroform, heat (70°C for 1 hour, 80°C for 5 minutes) and many disinfectants even for 2 hours at 37°C. Hypochlorite appears most effective in vitro.


  • Poor growth.
  • Pale birds.
  • Sudden rise in mortality (usually at 13-16 days of age).
  • No clinical signs or effect on egg production or fertility in parent flock during sero-conversion.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Pale bone marrow.
  • PCV of 5-15% (normal 27-36%).
  • Atrophy of thymus and bursa.
  • Discoloured liver and kidney.
  • Gangrenous dermatitis on feet, legs wings or neck.
  • Acute mycotic pneumonia.


Gross lesions, demonstration of ongoing sero-conversion in parent flock, virus may be isolated in lymphoblastoid cell line (MDCC-MSB1).


Good hygiene and management, and control of other diseases as appropriate, may be beneficial. If gangrenous dermatitis is a problem then periodic medication may be required.


Live vaccines are available for parents, their degree of attenuation is variable. They should be used at least 6 weeks prior to collecting eggs for incubation. Their use may be restricted to those flocks that have not sero-converted by, say, 15 weeks.

Immunity: there is a good response to field challenge (in birds over 4 weeks of age) and to attenuated live vaccines.

Serology: antibodies develop 3-6 weeks after infection, and may be detected by SN, Elisa, or IFA.



Cellulitis is literally an inflammation of connective tissues. It typically occurs between skin and muscles and between muscles and may be an incidental finding in a range of conditions. However its main importance is as a cause of condemnation in meat poultry, particularly broiler chickens.

In the USA it is called 'Inflammatory Process'. The condition is caused by infection of, often minor, skin wounds by particular strains of E. coli, which can replicate in the tissues.


  • Affected flocks tend to have poorer than average productivity and uniformity, but the affected birds are not readily detectable prior to slaughter.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Typically it presents as exudate ranging from liquid and pale cream pus to yellowish solid plaques of caseous material under the skin of the abdomen and/or in the leg. Many affected birds have no other lesions and are reasonably well grown. Many meat inspectors become skilled at detecting subtle differences in skin colour in the affected birds.


Typical lesions.


Treatment would not be possible if the problem is identified at a final depletion. If identified at a thinning there may be time for antibacterial treatment to have some benefit for those birds in the early stages of the problem.


Toe scrapes at 15-25 days of age when feather cover is poor are the most likely predisposing factors. Careful flock management with a view to reducing toe wounds has the greatest impact in controlling cellulitis. Routine monitoring of skin damage at about 25 days of age may be helpful in fostering good practices, though most of the birds showing toe scrapes will not go on to develop cellulitis.

Hairworm Infection


Nematode parasitic worms of poultry, game birds and pigeons of Capillaria species. C. obsignata in the small intestine, C. contorta in the crop and oesophagus.

The worms are 7-18 mm long, about 0.05 mm wide and hair-like in appearance. Morbidity and mortality are usually low. Infection is by the oral route. Worm eggs take about 20 days to embryonate with an L1 larvae, prepatent period about 21-25 days according to species.

Some species have earthworms as intermediate hosts; some are transmitted direct from bird to bird. Worm eggs in the environment are resistant.


  • Diarrhoea.
  • Wasting
  • Poor growth.
  • Dejection.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Enteritis.
  • Hairworms in mucosa of crop, small intestine or caecum.


This may be by a combination of macroscopic examination, seiving intestinal contents, or characteristic worm eggs in faeces in patent infections. Differentiate from other causes of enteritis.


Coumphos has been licensed in some markets. Fenbendazole has been shown to have high efficacy - other approved benzimidazoles can be expected also to have activity. Levamisole.


Separation of birds from possible transport and intermediate hosts, effective cleaning of houses.



A complex multifactorial behavioural problem of poultry and game birds seen worldwide. Morbidity is usually low but mortality is high among affected birds. Predisposing factors include overcrowding, excessive light intensity or variation (e.g. through shafts of light in the house), high temperatures, nutritional deficiencies, feed form (mash takes longer to consume than pellets), tenosynovitis and other diseases affecting mobility, boredom, and strain of bird.


  • Pecking at feet (especially young chicks) and vents (adult layers and turkey poults 8-12 days old), head, face, wings.
  • Feather-pulling.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Skin wounding related to particular signs exhibited.
  • Generalised anaemia.


Age, distribution of lesions, anaemia. Differentiate from bacterial dermatitis, post-mortem cannibalism.


Correct any husbandry problems. Soluble multivitamins and/ or methionine may be of some benefit in some circumstances. Beak trimming may be necessary. If so it should be carried out carefully by trained operators, complying with local regulations and any relevant codes of practice.


Proper density and temperature, low light level, control ectoparasites. Provision of a diet that closely matches the nutritional requirements of the stock concerned.

Candidiasis,Thrush of poultry


A disease of the alimentary tract of chickens, turkeys, and sometimes other birds and mammals, characterised by thickening and white plaques on the mucosa, especially in the crop but sometimes in the proventriculus, intestine and cloaca, and associated with gizzard erosion.

The cause is a fungal yeast, Candida albicans and the condition is seen worldwide. Morbidity and mortality are usually low.

The route of infection is normally oral and the organism is often present in healthy animals with disease occurring secondary to stress and poor hygiene. The fungus is resistant to many disinfectants.


  • Dejection.
  • Poor appetite.
  • Slow growth.
  • Diarrhoea, possibly confused or masked by signs of the primary disease.

Post-mortem lesions

  • White plaques in mouth, oesophagus, crop, occasionally proventriculus and intestine.
  • Raised focal lesions may slough into lumen as caseous material.


Lesions, histopathology, microscopic examination of a digested smear (heat in 10% potassium hydroxide) to demonstrate the hyphal forms of the yeast in the tissues. Colonies of this fungus appear as white to ivory colour, smooth and with a yeasty smell.


Nystatin (100 ppm in feed) for 7-10 days, copper sulphate (1 kg/tonne feed) for 5 days, or copper sulphate 1gm/2 litre water for 3 days if approved locally.


Avoid excessive use of antibiotics and other stressors. Ensure good hygiene, proprionic acid, sodium or calcium proprionate at 1 kg per tonne continually. A finely divided powder of copper sulphate (where approved) at 200gm/tonne continually or to 14-16 weeks in replacement pullets.

Control of Candida through drinking water is sometimes practised with chlorination (e.g. Chlorox, sodium hypochlorite) at 5 ppm. This is economical and effective. It should be repeated periodically. Take care to provide fresh clean feed and water, uncontaminated by fungi.
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Campylobacter Infection


Campylobacter spp. are bacteria that commonly infect a broad range of livestock species, pets and wild animals. In poultry they tend to multiply in large numbers in the hindgut, principally in the caecae. Campylobacters are a significant cause of enteritis in man. Infected poultry are a potential reservoir of this zoonosis.

Campylobacter jejuni is the commonest species found in poultry. All campylobacters are delicate organisms that survive for relatively short periods outside the host unless protected by organic material, biofilm or engulfed by protozoa.

Campylobacter jejuni infection is not currently considered to be pathogenic in poultry though a Campylobacter-like organism is considered to be the cause of 'Vibrionic Hepatitis'.

There are indications that plantar pododermatitis, carcase quality and litter quality are better on farms which tend to have Campylobacter-negative stock. The reason for this is unclear. It may be that management that favours dry litter reduces the risk of infection and/or transmission within the flock.

There is an annual cycle with increased risk of infection in the summer months in some countries.


  • None.

Post-mortem lesions

  • None.


Isolation of the organism from caecal contents, cloacal swabs or composite faeces. The organism is sensitive to air so swabs should be collected into transport medium and other samples placed in airtight containers with minimal airspace. Samples should be tested as quickly as possible after collection.


Not required on clinical grounds.


In principle, housed poultry can be maintained free of Campylobacter infection by consistent application of excellent biosecurity. Key aspects of this include effective sanitation of drinking water, sourcing of water from high quality supplies, avoidance of contact with pets and other farmed species, good hand hygiene by stockmen, and changing of overalls and boots on entering bird areas.

In practice the success of this will also depend upon the degree of environmental contamination by the organism. For this reason it may be difficult to stop the spread of infection between houses once it becomes established in one house.

Many infections are introduced during thinning or other forms of partial depopulation. Insects and rodents may act as a means of transfer of the infection from the general environment into the poultry buildings.

Research is ongoing on the development of vaccines, phage treatments and competitive exclusion approaches, as well as processing plant technologies to reduce carcase contamination.

Calcium Tetany


A metabolic disease of chickens, especially broiler parents. Predisposing factors include heat stress with reduced feed intake and panting.


  • Paralysis.
  • Death from respiratory and cardiac failure.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Cyanosis.
  • Congested lungs.
  • Active ovary with egg in oviduct.


This is made on signs, lesions, lack of other significant lesions, and response to treatment. Differentiate from IB 793b, other acute infections and other causes of sudden death.


Provide 5 gm of oyster shell per hen on 3 successive days along with vitamin D in drinking water.


Keep pullet flocks on low calcium diet until 5% production hen/day, managing birds for maximum uniformity.

Caecal Worm


Heterakis gallinae, nematode parasites of poultry and game birds, are small whitish worms with a pointed tail, up to 1.5 cm in length that occur in the caecum. They are found worldwide. Morbidity is high but it is not associated with mortality. Infection is by the oral route. Earthworms may be transport hosts for eggs, or paratenic hosts with partially developed (L2) larvae. There is an incubation period of 2 weeks for eggs to embryonate, and a four-week prepatent period. The meaning of the technical terms relating to parasite life cycle are defined in the glossary. Heterakis gallinae eggs and larvae are a transport hosts for Histomonas, the cause of Blackhead.


  • None.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Inflammation of caecum, possibly with nodule formation.


Adults can be seen in caecal contents at post-mortem examination.


Flubendazole, Levamisole, are effective.


Avoiding access to earth and earthworms. Routine anthelmintic treatment.
Figure 11. The life cycle of Heterakis showing the location of adults, an undeveloped egg as found in fresh faeces, and the embryonated egg. The egg may be ingested directly by a chicken, or by an earthworm which is in turn ingested by a chicken.

Breast Blister


A complex condition of chickens and turkeys occurring worldwide associated with trauma, leg weakness, and infection with Staphylococcus spp. bacteria. Morbidity may reach more than 50% but the condition is not fatal. Poor feather cover and caked or wet litter are predisposing factors.


  • Swelling over the keel bone with bruising and discolouration.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Inflammation of sternal bursa along the keel bone which may, in chronic cases, give way to scar tissue.


Based on lesions.


Not usually appropriate.


Good litter management and handling, control of leg problems.



A condition of chickens, turkeys, ducks and other waterfowl occurring worldwide and caused by a bacterial toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum mainly types A / C. The toxin is produced in decaying animal (usually carcases) and plant waste, and toxin-containing material (pond-mud, carcases, maggots) is consumed by the birds. Toxin may also be produced by the bacteria in the caecum. Morbidity is usually low but mortality is high. The toxin and bacterial spores are relatively stable and may survive for some time in the environment. It has also been suggested that poultry carcases lost in litter can be a cause of botulism in cattle grazing land or consuming silage where poultry litter has been spread.


  • Nervous signs, weakness, progressive flaccid paralysis of legs, wings then neck, then sudden death.
  • Affected broilers tend to settle with eyes closed when not disturbed.
  • A soiled beak, because it rests on the litter, is also quite typical.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Possibly no significant lesions.
  • Mild enteritis if has been affected for some time.
  • Feathers may be easily pulled (chicken only).
  • Maggots or putrid ingesta may be found in the crop.


History, signs, mouse toxicology on serum or extract of intestinal contents. Differentiate from acute Marek's disease ('Floppy Broiler Syndrome') by histology of the brain.


Remove source of toxin, supportive treatment if justifiable, antibiotics, selenium.


Preventing access to toxin, suspect food and stagnant ponds, especially in hot weather. The single most important measure is careful pick-up and removal of all dead birds on a daily basis. This will reduce the risk of botulism both in the poultry and in any grazing animals on land where poultry litter is spread.

Blackfly Infestation


Grey-black hump-backed flies, 5 mm long and found in North and South America that are external parasites of birds and mammals. The flies transmit leucocytozoonosis and also a filarial parasite in ducks. The condition tends to occur near to rapidly flowing streams, although these insects can travel up to 15 miles. Eggs and larvae survive through the winter to cause new infestations in the following year.


  • Anaemia in young birds.
  • Swarms of flies.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Anaemia.


Anaemia, season, local history.


Treatment is difficult.


Similar measures as for mosquito control. Biological control using a strain of Bacillus thuringensis has had some success and is preferable to insecticides. Weekly treatments are required.

Biting Lice


Various species of lice are common external parasites of poultry worldwide. They are spread by direct contact between birds and by litter etc. Away from birds adults survive about 4-5 days. The parasites are 1-6 mm in size and their life cycle takes about 3 weeks. Menocanthus stramineus is the most pathogenic and is said to be capable of causing anaemia in heavy infestations. Check flocks regulary for rapidly moving insects at the base of the feathers on the abdomen or around the vent. Crusty clumps of eggs ('nits') may be visible at the base of feathers.


  • Lack of thrift in young birds.
  • Lice eggs stuck to feathers.
  • Parasites on birds, especially around vent.
  • Irritation.
  • Loss of vent feathers.
  • Scabs around vent.
  • Loss of condition.
  • Drop in egg production.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Usually none, may be some feather damage and crustiness of skin.


Identification of the parasites. Differentiate from mites, bedbugs.


Malathion powders and pyrethroid sprays where approved for bird application.


Avoid direct contact with wild and backyard poultry. Examine for lice regularly, especially in autumn and winter and treat if required. It is usually necessary to treat twice at a 7-10 day interval to fully control the condition, as the larvae within eggs are not killed by most products. Effective removal of all organic material at flock depletion should be practised in all-in/all-out production systems.

Biotin Deficiency, Fatty Liver and Kidney Syndrome


Biotin deficiency has occured in turkeys and chickens in many countries but is now rare in birds consuming properly formulated feeds. Reduced feed intake and blood sugar can precipitate fatty liver and kidney syndrome.


  • Poor growth.
  • Leg weakness.
  • Scabs around eyes and beak.
  • Thickened skin under foot pad, in embryos, webbing between toes.
  • Chondrodystrophy.
  • Sudden deaths in fatty liver and kidney syndrome.

Post-mortem lesions

  • See signs.
  • Pale livers and kidneys in fatty liver and kidney syndrome.


Signs, lesions, response to treatment/prevention. Differentiate from pantothenic acid deficiency (skin lesions).


Addition of biotin in feed or water.


Supplementation of diets with biotin - naturally present in many raw materials, has very low bioavailability.

Big Liver and Spleen Disease


This condition was first seen in Australia in 1980. It is now known to be caused by an Avian Hepevirus. Related viruses have been reported to cause a hepatitis/splenomegaly syndrome in the USA, sub-clinical infection in pigs and Type E Hepatitis in man. The pig origin virus can cause disease in man, but avian hepeviruses are believed not to be zoonotic. The lesions are associated with deposition of antigen/antibody complexes in tissues. Only chickens are known to be naturally affected, most commonly broiler parents in lay. Natural infections have only been demonstrated in chickens over 24 weeks of age though it is possible that vertical transmission and/or infection in rear occurs with a subsequent period of latency. Transmission is usually by the faecal/oral route. Faecal contamination of drinking water is likely to be an efficient means of spread of this infection. Embryos inoculated intravenously become persistently antigen positive.


  • Chronic under production or egg drops of up to 20%.
  • Mortality of up to 1% per week for 3-4 weeks.
  • Anaemia.
  • Premature moulting.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Enlarged spleen (over 1gm/kg bodyweight, often with pale foci).
  • Liver usually enlarged, sometimes with subcapsular haemorrhage.

    Affected birds may also have:
  • Lung congestion
  • Ovarian regression
  • Yolk peritonitis
  • Pale foci and haemorrhages in pancreas.


Typical signs and lesions. Must be confirmed by laboratory tests. Serological tests (agar gel immunodiffusion) may be used to detect either the specific antigen (which is likely to be positive first) or the antibody response to it. Elisa tests have been developed experimentally. A RT-PCR test may be used to detect viral RNA in tissues. Viral particles may be demonstrated in bile. Histopathology may also be used but the findings are not specific to this condition.


No specific treatment known. It may be helpful to control other conditions which may be occurring at the same time. Drinking water which is well chlorinated should be helpful in reducing challenge by this route.


Thorough cleaning and disinfection after depletion of an affected flock. Good biosecurity. All-in/all-out production.

external parasite Infestation


A condition of poultry, pigeons (and mammals) caused by infestation with the external parasite Cimex lectularius. The parasites are up to 5 mm long and feed at night. It occurs mainly in subtropical and some temperate areas. Adult parasites can survive for 1?12 months in the environment without feeding. Eggs laid by the adult parasites hatch in 4?20 days, there are five nymphal stages each of which feed on birds. Growth to adult parasite takes 1?3 months, depending on temperature.


  • Lack of thrift.
  • Anaemia.
  • Reduced production when infestation is serious.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Anaemia.


Identification of the parasite. Differentiate from other blood?sucking parasites.


Appropriate insecticide treatment of the environment, in particular the cracks and crevices where the parasites hide during the daytime.


Thorough treatment of the empty building at turn-around with an appropriate insecticide. Fumigation is also helpful.
Friday, April 20, 2012

Beak Necrosis



A condition seen in chickens and turkeys caused by excessively fine mashed feeds.


  • Feed accumulates along edges of lower beak leading to distortion and necrosis of horny tissue.
  • Has been associated with curled tongue in turkeys in the past.
  • This may also be associated with ulcers in the roof of the mouth (palate) which can be confused with some forms of mycotoxicosis.

Post-mortem lesions

  • See signs.


Clinical signs, exclusion of other causes of similar signs.


Not usually sufficiently severe to justify medication. Mild water sanitation may help control secondary infections in the affected tissues.


Check feed particle size by granulometry, grind less finely.
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Flea And Tick Prevention

A person can examine their pet at home to determine if there is a need for flea and tick prevention. However, it is important to follow application directions of a product closely to avoid accidental poisoning of the pet. It may also be necessary to treat the yard and home if the pets stay outdoors most of the time. Here are some guidelines to help any pet owner with this common issue.
Use bath time to find ticks. The water on their coat makes it tough for the ticks to hide. Another way to find the pest is to examine their entire body with your hands. This can be done while petting them. However, be certain to examine the entire body and include their ears. You may have to also separate their fur in order to find any ticks that have burrowed more deeply.
Fleas are just as easy to find. Simply use a flea comb on their coat and examine closely. Even if you do not find any fleas but think there may be a problem, you can still treat them for it. However, it they continue to scratch, have hair loss, or scabs on their skin, have your veterinarian test them for mites or bacterial diseases.
Most prevention options will need to be repeated for continued control. Topical treatments are most often applied to the back of the neck to prevent dogs or cats from licking it off. Shampoos are best to use when a young animal has a severe infestation. There are also oral products that work well.
It is vital to use caution when ever using one of the flea and tick prevention products. Pets can sometimes have a reaction to the toxins used or they are sometimes accidentally poisoned. If they develop ear twitching, mild depression, diarrhea, vomiting or excessive salivation, contact your veterinarian immediately.
To prevent accidental poisoning, it is vital to follow the products directions closely. If using a spray, first apply to a grooming brush then evenly brush through the animal's coat. Use caution to not accidentally spray any product into the animal's mouth. If the product is in liquid form, do not submerge the animal into the liquid. Instead, pour it over their body and use a sponge to cover all areas.
You will probably have to also treat your entire yard if your pet stays outdoors most of the time. It is important to use a product regularly for flea and tick prevention. It will kill the larvae and eggs of the pest and hinder their return.

Skin Cancer In Dogs

Skin cancer in dogs is very common and is found in different forms. It is not always possible to see any changes to the cancer cell, unlike in humans where we can see changes in color etc. Therefore a biopsy is the only guaranteed way to confirm if they are benign or malignant. A biopsy is simply the removal of a small sample of the tumor which is sent off for pathology testing. If the tumor is small your vet may remove all of it to be used for the biopsy.
If the growth is larger, over an inch in diameter, then your vet will take a cell sample by aspiration. This is a simple procedure where they insert a fine needle into the tumor and withdraw a small amount of the cell for further testing.
Skin Papillomas
Skin papillomas on dogs are growths similar to warts which are usually benign and occur on the torso, on the foot pads, and underneath the nails. Canine oral papilloma virus is the usual cause of these lumps, and they tend to be found in older dogs, especially all breeds of Poodle and similar breeds of dogs.
No treatment is usually necessary other than keeping a watchful eye on them. Removal is not required unless they are causing a problem because of their location on the body. Rarely, will they become infected or bleed, but if they did removal would be recommended.
A hematoma is a blood clot beneath the skin, caused by a blow or contusion. These are not a skin cancer in dogs. You may need to have large ones drained. Hematomas on the ears requires special attention, please consult with your vet for advice as each case will be different.
If you find a hard mass that looks like bone then it is likely to be calcifying hematoma. They are often found near an old fracture site, and may occur as a lump on the head especially tall dogs who strike their head on the dining room table or other household furniture.
Because they have the potential turn into a canine bone cancer, calcifying hematomas should to be biopsied and possibly removed. They vary from other types of dog cancer as they are often difficult to treat and may reoccur.
Epidermal Inclusion Cysts (Sebaceous Cysts)
Another type of skin cancer in dogs is an epidermal inclusion cyst, also known as sebaceous cysts, these are common skin tumors found all over the body. Spaniels, Poodles, Schnauzers & Terriers are breeds of dogs more likely to be affected. Canine epidermal inclusion cysts form when dry secretions block hair follicles, this causes a build-up of hair and sebum (an oily/greasy matter), which leads to the formation of a cyst.
They are a dome like growth that can vary in size, anything up to an inch and a half but usually smaller. If they become infected drainage is recommended which occasionally leads to a cure. One option is to have it removed but this is rare.
Treatment and Prevention Of Skin Cancer In Dogs
Now that you are aware of the different types of dog skin cancer what should you do next?
1. Check your canine's body regularly, looking for any signs of tumors or lumps. I usually do it when I bath or groom my dog
2. Ensure your loyal companion has a check up with a veterinarian at least once a year
3. Be mindful of their diet. A good balanced diet will help prevent many ailments and help build up natural immunities to many skin problems and canine cancers.
4. Do research on common illnesses and cancers that occur in your breed of dog
5. Lots of TLC, walks and bonding. Not a cure or prevention but it will make you both feel good;
It is not possible to cover all there is to know about skin cancer in dogs in such a short article, but you can learn more by going to this covers all forms of skin cancer in dogs, their treatment, prevention and onward care. Well worth investigating

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Swollen Head Syndrome


A viral disease of chickens, turkeys (see separate summary), guinea fowl and possibly pheasants seen in Europe, Africa, South America and North America. It is caused by a pneumovirus of the Paramyxoviridae family, first isolated from poults in South Africa in 1978. Two subgroups have been identified on the basis of the G-protein sequence: A (original UK isolates) and B (original southern Europe isolates). There is rapid lateral transmission with infection by aerosol through the respiratory route; vertical transmission is uncertain. As for many infections, fomites can be important in moving infection between farms. The incubation period is 5-7 days, morbidity is 10-100% and mortality can be 1-10%.


  • Decreased appetite, weight gain and feed efficiency.
  • Facial and head swelling (though this can occur in other conditions).
  • Loss of voice.
  • Ocular and nasal discharge.
  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Snick.
  • Dyspnoea.
  • Sinusitis.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Serous rhinitis and tracheitis, sometimes pus in bronchi. If secondary invasion by E. coli then pneumonia, airsacculitis and perihepatitis.
  • Congestion, oedema and pus in the air space of the skull occurs in a proportion of affected birds due to secondary bacterial infections.


Clinical signs, serology, isolation of ciliostatic agent. Differentiate from Infectious Bronchitis, Lentogenic Newcastle disease, low virulence avian influenza, Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale. Serology - Elisa normally used, not all commercial kits are equally sensitive to response to both A and B challenge viruses.


Antibiotic not very effective. Control respiratory stressors, chlorination of drinking water, multivitamins.


All-in/all-out production, vaccination (degree of cross protection between A and B types remains to be established). Live vaccines can reduce clinical signs and adverse effects, inactivated vaccines may be used in breeders prior to lay.
Figure 10. Pus in skull bones. This is a common sequel to avian pneumovirus infection in both chickens and turkeys.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Avian Leukosis, Lymphoid Leukosis

Avian Leukosis, Lymphoid Leukosis, Leukosis/Sarkoma Group



A complex of viral diseases with various manifestations such as lymphoid leukosis, myeloblastosis (see Sero-type J), erythroblastosis, osteopetrosis, myxosarcomas, fibrosarcomas, other tumours. It affects chickens worldwide with susceptibility varying considerably among different strains and types of stock - egg layers are generally more susceptible to lymphoid leukosis.

Morbidity is low but mortality high. Mortality tends to be chronically higher than normal for a prolonged period. Egg production is somewhat reduced. There may be increased susceptibility to other infectious diseases due to damage to the immune system. Vertical transmission is most important by infection of the egg white in infected breeders (who are long-term carriers), lateral transmission is poor but infection may occur by the faecal-oral route, especially in young birds. In lymphoid leukosis the incubation period is about 4-6 months; it may be as short as 6 weeks for some of the other manifestations. The causative viruses are rapidly inactivated at ambient temperature and on exposure to most disinfectants.


  • Depression.
  • Emaciation.
  • Loss of weight.
  • Persistent low mortality.
  • Enlargement of abdomen, liver or bursa.
  • Many are asymptomatic.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Focal grey to white tumours, initially in the bursa, then liver, spleen, kidney etc. Liver may be very large.
  • Microscopic - cells lymphoplastic


History, age, lesions, cytology. Differentiate from Marek's disease, coligranuloma.




Good hygiene, all-in/all-out production, control arthropods, eradication - checking of antigen in the albumen is a basis for eradication (see Sero-type J for details).
Figure 9. Diffuse lymphoid tumours in an enlarged liver from a mature broiler parent hen. This was a case of Myelocytoma Avian Leukosis (Sero-type J)

Avian Leukosis


Avian Leukosis (Serotype J), Myelocytomatosis


Caused by an avian retrovirus. This condition has until now been seen only in meat-type chickens, with considerable strain-to-strain variation. It has occured in Europe, North and South America. Morbidity is low, though there is high mortality of affected birds.

Transmission is by congenital infection from antibody-negative females, bleeding and vaccination needles; lateral transmission by faecal-oral route (this declines as the bird ages). The incubation period is 10-20 weeks. Congenitally infected birds tend to remain antibody negative, shed virus and develop tumours. Virus survival is poor but sufficient to allow cross contamination in hatcheries and on farm in rear.


  • Depression.
  • Emaciation.
  • Loss of weight.
  • Persistent low mortality.
  • Enlargement of abdomen, liver.
  • Many are asymptomatic.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Liver enlargement, often with tumour foci.
  • Splenomegaly and enlarged kidneys also occur.
  • Most characteristically are chalky white tumours in the bone marrow, particularly of the sternum, ribs, sacral joint.
  • Microscopic - tumours usually contain well-differentiated myelocytes. Two cell types may be found in the same tumour.


History, age, lesions, histology, ultimately identification of virus by isolation and/or PCR. Differentiate from Marek's disease, Lymphoid Leukosis.




Checking of antigen in the albumen is a basis for eradication - most but not all, birds with egg antigen will be antibody negative. 'Shedders' - 80% produce infected chicks, 'non-shedders' - only 3% produced infected chicks. PCR testing of embryonally infected chicks using DNA testing is uniformly positive for blood and faecal samples. There is also evidence that it is slightly more sensitive than conventional testing. Serology - an Elisa test is aviailable to identify antibody positive birds. Prevent/ reduce cross-infection in hatchery and on farm.

Critical hatchery practices:
  • Separate infected and uninfected lines.
  • Handle clean lines before infected lines, preferably on separate hatch days and in separate machines.
  • Separation in vaccination.
  • Minimise stress.
Farm practices:
  • Brood and rear lines separately and maintain separate for as long as possible.
  • Minimise group sizes.
  • Delay live vaccine challenges.
  • Avoid migration errors (birds unintentionally moving between pens).

Avian Influenza-Highly Pathogenic


Avian Influenza-Highly Pathogenic (HPAI), Fowl Plague


One of only two 'Class A' diseases of poultry targeted for emergency disease control measures by OIE, the equivalent of the World Health Organisation for animal diseases. This viral disease can cause exceptionally high mortality, especially in turkeys. In addition official control measures disrupt trade in poultry products from affected areas. The cause is a virus, Orthomyxovirus type A, its pathogenicity is variable, and isolates are designated sero-type/ species/location/reference number/year/subtype designation(H/N). Highly pathogenic forms are usually of the H groups 5 and 7 and may now be identified (if H5 or H7) by the presence of a sequence at the haemagglutinin cleavage site that codes for multiple basic amino acids.

The definitive classification of high pathogenicity is an intravenous pathogenicity test (IVPI) in 6-week-old chickens result of greater than 1.2 . This is a test in which the virus is inoculated into susceptible chickens that are then kept under observation. The higher the proportion of the chickens dying or showing signs the higher the IVPI. The virus infects chickens, turkeys, ducks, partridges, pheasants, quail, pigeons, and ostriches. Effectively all birds are considered to be at risk of infection. Apathogenic and mildly pathogenic influenza A viruses occur worldwide.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza A (HPAI) viruses of the H5 and H7 HA subtypes have been isolated occasionally from free-living birds. Outbreaks due to HPAI were recorded in the Pennsylvania area, USA, in the years 1983-84. More recently outbreaks have occurred in Australia, Pakistan, Mexico and, from December 1999, in northern Italy. A serious outbreak occurred in The Netherlands in 2003 with a few linked cases in Belgium and one in Germany. H5 viruses of low pathogenicity may become highly pathogenic usually after circulating in poultry flocks for a time (Pennsylvania, Italy). Because of this, and the high mortality that 'low-path' AI can cause in turkeys, OIE and other bodies are currently examining ways to improve control of LPAI. See current OIE records for up to date information on distribution of HPAI. Morbidity is high but mortality usually relatively low, 5-50%.

The route of infection is probably oral initially, but possibly by the conjunctival or respiratory route and the incubation period is 3-5 days. Transmission is by direct contact with secretions from infected birds, especially faeces, waterfowl, equipment, clothing, drinking water. The virus replicates mainly in respiratory tissues of chickens and turkeys but in the intestinal tract of clinically normal waterfowl. Avirulent in one species may be virulent in others. Broken contaminated eggs may infect chicks in the incubator simulating vertical transmission. The virus is moderately resistant, can survive 4 days in water at 22°C, over 30 days at 0°C. It is inactivated by a temperature of 56°C in 3 hours and 60°Cin 30 min, by acid pH, by oxidising agent and by formalin and iodine compounds. It can remain viable for long periods in tissues. Infections with other pathogens (e.g. Pasteurella) may increase mortality, even with 'low pathogenicity' strains.

Avian Influenza is a potential zoonosis. It can result in inapparent infection, conjunctivitis or severe pneumonia. The small number of human deaths associated with HPAI appear to have resulted from direct exposure to infected birds on farm or in markets.


  • Sudden death.
  • Marked loss of appetite, reduced feed consumption.
  • Cessation of normal flock vocalisation.
  • Drops in egg production.
  • Depression.
  • Coughing.
  • Nasal and ocular discharge.
  • Swollen face.
  • Cyanosis of comb/wattles.
  • Diarrhoea (often green).
  • Nervous signs such as paralysis.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Inflammation of sinuses, trachea, air sacs and conjunctiva.
  • Ovarian regression or haemorrhage.
  • Necrosis of skin of comb and wattles.
  • Subcutaneous oedema of head and neck.
  • Dehydration.
  • Muscles congested.
  • Haemorrhage in proventricular and gizzard mucosae and lymphoid tissue of intestinal tract.
  • Turkey lesions tend to be less marked than those of chickens, while ducks may be symptomless, lesionless carriers of highly pathogenic virus.


A presumptive diagnosis may be made on history and post­mortem lesions. Confirmation is by viral isolation in chick embryo, HA+, NDV-, DID+. Commercial Elisa test kits are now available. However, as with many such tests occasional false positive reactions can occur. The agar gel precipitation test is non-group-specific and is used to confirm any positives. Differentiate from Newcastle disease, fowl cholera, infectious laryngotracheitis, other respiratory infections, bacterial sinusitis in ducks.


None, but good husbandry, nutrition and antibiotics may reduce losses. Eradication by slaughter is usual in chickens and turkeys.


Hygiene, quarantine, all-in/all-out production, etc. Minimise contact with wild birds, controlled marketing of recovered birds. Vaccination is not normally recommended because, although it may reduce losses initially, vaccinated birds may remain carriers if exposed to the infection. Vaccines have been used in recent outbreaks in Mexico and Pakistan. To be effective inactivated vaccines must be the right subtype for the particular situation (H5 will not protect against H7 and vice versa). In outbreaks a regime of slaughter, correct disposal of carcases, cleaning, disinfection, isolation, 21-day interval to re-stocking should be followed. Survivors can be expected to have a high degree of immunity but may harbour virulent virus.

Avian Encephalomyelitis, Epidemic Tremors


Avian encephalomyelitis is a viral disease of the central nervous system of chickens, pheasants, turkeys, and quail. It has a worldwide distribution. Morbidity 5-60% depending on the immune status of the majority of parents, mortality high. Vertical transmission is very important, transmission occurs over about 1-2 weeks, some lateral. The route of infection is transovarian with an incubation period of 1-7 days; lateral transmission is probably by the oral route, incubation >10 days. Virus in faeces may survive 4 weeks or more.


  • Nervous signs.
  • Dull expression.
  • Ataxia and sitting on hocks.
  • Imbalance.
  • Paralysis.
  • Tremor of head, neck and wings. Tremor may be inapparent but is accentuated if chicks are held inverted in the hand.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Gross lesions are mild or absent.
  • There may be focal white areas in gizzard muscle (inconstant).
  • A few recovered birds may develop cataracts weeks after infection.
  • Microscopic - nonpurulent diffuse encephalomyelitis with perivascular cuffing.


A presumptive diagnosis is based on the history, signs, and lack of significant lesions. Histopathology is usually diagnostic and IFA, and/or viral isolation may be carried out if required. The embryo protection test has been used in the past, now Elisa is used more commonly. Differentiate from Newcastle disease, vitamin deficiency (E, A, riboflavin), toxicities, EE (especially in pheasant in the Americas), Marek's disease, Mycotic Encephalitis, Brain abscess, Enterococcus hirae infection.




Vaccination of breeders at 9-15 weeks, attenuated or not. Immunity is long lasting.

Avian Encephalomyelitis


Avian Encephalomyelitis Egg Drop


Avian encephalomyelitis virus infection in laying bird causes inapparent infection or drops in egg production. See Avian Encephalomyelitis, Epidemic tremors for its effect in young birds. It affects chickens, turkeys, quail, pheasants and occurs in most poultry-producing countries. Morbidity 5-60%, mortality none. The means of transmission is unknown but probably by faecal contamination of environment, feed, water etc. with an oral infection route. Virus in faeces may survive 4 weeks or more. Predisposed by immunosuppression.


  • Drop in egg production, small (5-10%) and lasting no more than 2 weeks.
  • In breeders there may be a drop in hatchability of about 5%, and there is serious disease in the progeny (see next section).

Post-mortem lesions

  • None.


History, rising titre to AE virus, subsequent disease in progeny if breeders. Serology - The embryo protection test has been used in the past, now Elisa is used more commonly. Differentiate from Infectious Bronchitis, lentogenic Newcastle disease, EDS­76.




Vaccination of breeders/layers at 9-15 weeks, attenuated or not. Immunity is usually long lasting.




A fungal infectious disease, caused by Aspergillus fumigatus, in which the typical sign is gasping for breath, especially in young chicks. Sometimes the same organism causes eye lesions or chronic lesions in older birds. The fungus can infect plant material and many species of animals including birds and man. Occasionally similar lesions are produced by other species of Aspergillus or even other fungi such as Penicillium, Absidia etc.

It affects chickens, turkeys, ducks, penguins, game birds, waterfowl, etc, worldwide. The infection has an incubation period of 2-5 days. Morbidity is usually low, but may be as high as 12%. Mortality among young affected birds is 5-50%. Transmission is by inhalation exposure to an environment with a high spore count; there is usually little bird-to-bird transmission. Spores are highly resistant to disinfectants.


  • Acute form:
    • Inappetance.
    • Weakness.
    • Silent gasping.
    • Rapid breathing.
    • Thirst.
    • Drowsiness.
    • Nervous signs (rare).
  • Chronic Forms:
    • Ocular discharge (ocular form only).
    • Wasting.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Yellow to grey nodules or plaques in lungs, air sacs, trachea, plaques in peritoneal cavity, may have greenish surface.
  • Conjunctivitis/keratitis.
  • Brain lesions may be seen in some birds with nervous signs.


This is usually based on the signs and lesions and microscopic examination for the fungus, preferably after digestion in 10% potassium hydroxide. It may be confirmed by isolation of the fungus, typically by putting small pieces of affected tissue on Sabouraud agar. Growth occurs in 24-48 hours and colonies are powdery green/blue in appearance. Differentiate from excessive exposure to formalin or vaccinal reactions in day olds and from heat stress in older birds.


Usually none. Environmental spraying with effective antifungal antiseptic may help reduce challenge. Amphotericin B and Nystatin have been used in high-value birds.


Dry, good quality litter and feed, hygiene, Thiabendazole or Nystatin has been used in feed.
Figure 8. 'Furry' airsacculitis in aspergillosis of an adult duck. The powdery surface is dark green in colour.
Sunday, April 15, 2012



Associated with inadequate supplies of oxygen, poor ventilation and physiology (oxygen demand, may be related to type of stock and strain). Ascites is a disease of broiler chickens occurring worldwide but especially at high altitude. The disease has a complex aetiology and is predisposed by reduced ventilation, high altitude, and respiratory disease. Morbidity is usually 1-5%, mortality 1-2% but can be 30% at high altitude. Pulmonary arterial vasoconstriction appears to be the main mechanism of the condition.


  • Sudden deaths in rapidly developing birds.
  • Poor development.
  • Progressive weakness and abdominal distension.
  • Recumbency.
  • Dyspnoea.
  • Possibly cyanosis.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Thickening of right-side myocardium.
  • Dilation of the ventricle.
  • Thickening of atrioventricular valve.
  • General venous congestion.
  • Severe muscle congestion.
  • Lungs and intestines congested.
  • Liver enlargement.
  • Spleen small.
  • Ascites.
  • Pericardial effusion.
  • Microscopic - cartilage nodules increased in lung.


Gross pathology is characteristic. A cardiac specific protein (Troponin T) may be measured in the blood. This may offer the ability to identify genetic predisposition. Differentiate from broiler Sudden Death Syndrome and bacterial endocarditis.


Improve ventilation, Vitamin C (500 ppm) has been reported to be of benefit in South America.


Good ventilation (including in incubation and chick transport), avoid any genetic tendency, control respiratory disease.

Arizona infection


Caused by the bacterium Arizona hinshawii, renamed Salmonella Arizonae. It affects turkeys, mainly in North America, and is not present in the UK turkey population. Mortality is 10-50% in young birds, older birds are asymptomatic carriers. Transmission is vertical, transovarian, and also horizontal, through faecal contamination of environment, feed etc, from long-term intestinal carriers, rodents, reptiles.


  • Dejection.
  • Inappetance.
  • Diarrhoea.
  • Vent-pasting.
  • Nervous signs.
  • Paralysis.
  • Blindness, cloudiness in eye.
  • Huddling near heat.

Post-mortem lesions

  • Enlarged mottled liver.
  • Unabsorbed yolk sac.
  • Congestion of duodenum.
  • Cheesy plugs in intestine or caecum.
  • Foci in lungs.
  • Salpingitis.
  • Ophthalmitis.
  • Pericarditis.
  • Perihepatitis.


Isolation and identification, methods as per Salmonella spp. Differentiate from salmonellosis, coli-septicaemia.


Injection of streptomycin, spectinomycin, or gentamycin at the hatchery is used in some countries. Formerly in-feed medication with nitrofurans was also used.


Eradicate from breeder population, fumigation of hatching eggs, good nest and hatchery hygiene, inject eggs or poults with antibiotics, monitor sensitivity.



Parasitic gastroenteritis is associated with large numbers of nematodes in the abomasum and intestines. The nematodes in the abomasum are generally considered to be the primary pathogens, with those in the intestines playing a lesser but synergistic role. In the United Kingdom, the predominant worms in the abomasum belong to the genus Ostertagia, with Ostertagia ostertagi the most abundant. In the small intestine, Cooperia oncophora and Nematodirus helvetianus are commonest (Taylor and Andrews, 1992). There are two common forms of ostertagiasis, type I and type II (Anderson, 1988).
Type I Ostertagia infection This disease is most common in late summer and autumn and causes profuse watery diarrhoea in calves at grass. The faeces are usually green because of the grass diet. Developing larvae within the gastric glands of the abomasum cause the lumen of these glands to distend and stretch the cellular lining. As a result, the mature functional parietal and peptic cells are superseded by undifferential cells. As the infection progresses adjacent non-parasitized glands also become affected and their parietal cells replaced by non-functional undifferentiated cells. The pH of the abomasum increases and leakage of macromolecules and protein occurs across the damaged mucosa, resulting in hypoproteinaemia and increased concentrations of pepsinogen in the plasma (Entrocasso et al., 1986; McKellar, 1986). There is a rapid loss of weight, largely due to changes in grazing behaviour (Forbes et al., 1999). In chronic cases, submandibular oedema may result.
The direct cause is the ingestion of large numbers of O. ostertagi infected larvae over a relatively short period of time. The number of infected larvae on pasture is lowest in May and June, but rises to a peak in late August and September. This pattern arises from a sequence of events which starts with calves turned out in April or May onto pasture grazed by cattle (and especially calves) during the preceding year. These calves ingest some of the infective larvae which have overwintered. It takes three weeks for these larvae to develop into adults and start laying eggs. The rate of hatching of these eggs depends on climatic conditions, reaching a peak in midsummer. The hatched larvae migrate or are washed out of faecal pats onto surrounding herbage to await ingestion by the eventual host. Wet summers produce an early peak, but numbers decrease more rapidly due to rapid depletion of numbers in faecal pats and dilution due to the more abundant grass growth. Conversely, dry summers delay the build-up, as the release of the larvae from the faecal pats is delayed until the autumn rains (SVS, 1982).
In dairy herds typical cases of type I Ostertagia infection occur in spring-born calves turned out in midsummer onto pastures grazed and contaminated in the spring and early summer by autumn-born calves. In a recent survey, it was found that 65% of farmers used the same pasture each year for calves (Coles and Stafford, 1999). The disease is not usually a problem in spring-calving beef herds, as the calves are too young to consume much grass in the early part of the season. As a result, the peak of infective larvae does not develop until September or October, when most calves are weaned and housed. However, autumn-born beef calves may suffer from type I Ostertagia infection in the absence of preventative measures. In areas where climatic conditions allow autumn-born calves to be turned out in March or early April, type I Ostertagia infection may occur 4 to 6 weeks after going to grass.
Type II Ostertagia infection Infective larvae ingested from September onwards undergo a change in their normal parasitic development, resulting in a period of delayed development at the early fourth larval stage while within the abomasal wall. The change is thought to be brought about by either cold or desiccation in their preparasitic exposure. In the late autumn, calves may harbour many thousands of such larvae. Type II ostertagiasis results when these inhibited larvae resume their development, usually from February to May, the emerging larvae causing the same lesions as those causing type I disease.
Although adult cattle acquire immunity by the age of 18 months, occasionally bulls grazing calf paddocks or cows suffering from immunosuppression due to other diseases (Orpin, 1994), such as fascioliasis, may suffer from type II ostertagiasis.
Nematodiriasis in calves
Nematodirus battus, mainly a parasite of sheep, has recently been found to be transmittable by cattle, both on farms where annual alternation of sheep and cattle has taken place, and even where cattle only are kept. It has caused severe outbreaks of diarrhoea in calves (Armour et al., 1988).

Wooden Tongue

Wooden Tongue

Wooden tongue is a well-defined disease of the soft tissues of the mouth region in adult cattle. It is caused by A. lignieresii coccobacillus, part of the normal bacterial flora of the upper digestive tract. The bacteria usually invade the skin through a wound or minor trauma caused by sticks or straw or barley awns.
The disease is fairly acute, with swelling in the affected part, under the jaw and in the regional lymph nodes. The clinical symptoms are excess salivation, difficult mastication and inappetance.
The condition is seen either as an outbreak in several animals simultaneously or as an individual case in a single animal, often in association with a diet change (Campbell et al., 1975; Melendez et al., 1999).

Ulcerative Mammillitis

Ulcerative Mammillitis

Ulcerative mammillitis is a relatively uncommon condition but it can spread rapidly in herds which are affected for the first time and cause significant pain and discomfort. It tends to occur most commonly in early winter.

What is ulcerative mammillitis?

Ulcerative mammillitis is an infection of the skin of the teats and udder of dairy cattle. It is caused by a herpes virus (known as BHV-2)

Clinical Signs

The clinical signs vary from small irregular fluid-filled blisters to larger areas of ulcers and scabs


  • A veterinary examination can confirm that ulcerative mammillitis is very likely
  • Scrapings of blistered skin will contain virus which can be seen with electron microscope


  • No specific treatment is available. Treatment should be aimed at speeding the healing of the skin and preventing spread to other cattle.
  • Separate and milk affected cows last
  • Disinfect clusters between cows and after milking
  • Dip teats with iodine-based dip
  • Emollient udder cream can speed healing of skin
  • Check regularly to ensure tha skin damage hasn’t resulted in mastitis. (In some cases cannulation may be necessary to milk cow properly


Once on a farm ulcerative mammillitis is difficult to eliminate. If you are buying in cattle, try and ensure you don’t buy ulcerative mammillitis as well. Check the teats and udder of all cows before you purchase them. This will significantly reduce, but not eliminate, the risk of buying in ulcerative mammillitis.

Once you have ulcerative mammillitis is established on your farm, it will be most commonly seen in first lactation heifers during winter housing. Pay particular attention to this group and separate and treat affected heifers as soon as you see signs of diseases.

Good parlour hygiene and controlling biting flies can significantly reduce the impact of this disease.

Trypanosomosis/ Sleeping Disease/ 'Nagana'

Trypanosomosis/ Sleeping Disease/ 'Nagana'

Mainly occuring in Africa, Trypanosomosis, or Sleeping Disease, is a infection affecting both animals and humans.

The disease mainly occurs in areas where Tsetse flies inhabit. Tsetse flies infest 10 million square kilometres and affect 37 countries, mostly in Africa, where it is known as ‘Nagana’.

It is the most economically important livestock disease of Africa, as it can have a devastating impact on rural areas.


Trypanosomosis is usually transmitted through blood lymph and other fluids of infected animals. It is caused by Flagellated protozoan parasites that live in the fluids and tissue of its host animal.

Often the disease is transmitted through the bite of an infected tsetse fly which has been feeding on an infected animal.


Symptoms often begin to show four to 24 days after infection. The most important clinical sign is nonregenerative anaemia.

The major clinical signs are:
  • intermittent fever
  • anaemia
  • oedema
  • lacrimation
  • enlarged lymph nodes
  • abortion
  • decreased fertility
  • loss of appetite, body condition and productivity
  • early death in acute forms
  • emaciation and eventual death in chronic forms often after digestive and/or nervous signs
Prevention and treatment

At present no vaccine is available.

If detected early, Trypanosomosis can be treated with trypanocidal drugs for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Therapeutic drugs for cattle include diminazene aceturate, homidium chloride and homidium bromide. Prophylactic drugs for cattle include homidium chloride, homidium bromide and isometamidium.

However the effectiveness of these drugs is now questionable following years of use, causing resistence and now variuos strains of Trypanosomosis to occur.

Another area of control that has been studied is to eradicate the tsetse flies which transmit the disease.

The most common of the procedures that have been deveoped are: spraying insecticide on tsetse habitat, destruction of tsetse habitat and alteration of vegetation so that it becomes unsuitable for tsetse flies.

However, these methods are costly and require a high level of management, organisation and specialist expertise.